Saturday 25 May 2013

Carberry "Car Hopping" Spree

The RCMP report that the community of Carberry has been stricken by what they are calling "car hopping." Since May 5 there has been at least a dozen break ins where thieves have stolen small items such as petty cash to more expensive thing like GPS units. In many of the cases the vehicles were left unlocked allowing the thieves an easy means of entry. In some cases there was nothing missing but the thieves vandalized the vehicle.

The police are reminding people to lock their vehicles and to make sure valuables are out of sight. Also if you have any more information that can lead to the solution of this crime you are asked to contact Crime Stoppers.

Writer, S. (2013). Carberry suffers rash of vehicle break-ins [Electronic version]. Brandon Sun.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Gas Prices Soar

Gas prices went up again over night to 135.9 this is the second increase in a week which saw prices go up about 16 cents. The recent increase is said to be caused by a fuel shortage in the American Mid-West but many analyst say the shortage is manufactured by the oil companies to drive the price up. The slumping Canadian dolloar can also be blamed any time the lonnie sinks in the market we see and increase at the pumps.

The current price of gas is 14 cents a liter more than it was this date last year. There is some light at the end of the tunnel with prices predicted to fall in the next week or two.

The summer holiday season is right around the corner and many families may be reconsidering their holiday plans if the prices continue to remain high.

Sources: Check Back Soon

Wednesday 22 May 2013

My E Journalism Map

Create your own mind maps at MindMeister

Archery Event Report

The Carberry Archers hosted their annual May Long 3D Archery tournament this past weekend. The weather was anything but ideal for the event with winds guesting up to 50 km/hr and temperatures around 10 degree mark. 43 archers did brave the elements with Reid Fowley taking top honors in the premier class, Bow Hunter Open. As the day went on the weather did improve as the temperature rose and the winds died down. There were many remarks made on how challenging and fun the course setup was, but the next words out of their mouth were always about the weather.  

View Carberry Archery Range in a larger map

Google Docs Blog

This is a test to show how you can use Google Docs as part of your blog.

NewsBlur Unveils New Look

The RSS reader NewsBlur is recognized for being one of the most powerful readers available but not as easy on the eyes. Since Google announced that its Google Reader would be shutting down NewsBlur and other readers have been flooded with Reader refugees. NewsBlur will launch it new reader today with a more user friendly interface. The day Google announced that they would be canceling the service NewsBlur had a 95% spike in new users for the day.

NewsBlur owner Sam Clay said he knew the writing was on the wall for the Google Reader after they took away all the share options in 2011 and included the Google Plus Option. "When I noticed that they took out one of the coolest and well loved parts, I realized Reader was not long for this world," Clay said. 

Have a strong incline that Google Reader was on its last legs gave NewsBlur time to prepare a new and more user friendly version. Clay new that there would be a lot of people looking for alternatives and he wanted to position his site to take advantage.

NewsBlur, flush with Google Reader refugees, rolls out redesign. (n.d.). The Verge. Retrieved May 22, 2013, from

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Microsoft Launches Attack On Google Docs

Microsoft claims that the Google Docs platform is unreliable and does not perform as well as the new Microsoft Office programs do. It also claims that you will spend more time trying to format your document or will have to use third party applications. There are shiny ads showing you how Google Docs will ruin the formatting of a word document when you try and import.

Google must have something done something right since the City of Boston has announced that it will be switching from Microsoft to Google at a cost of over $800,000, but they expect to be able to save upwards of $280,000 a year after the switch.

This news alone is enough to rattle the teeth of Microsoft and make them do a double take of their competition. 

 Comedian Rob Schneider stars as Google Docs in Microsoft Office 365 videos. (2013, May 13). Network World. Retrieved May 22, 2013, from
Microsoft: Google Docs Is Not Worth The Gamble, Makes You Less Productive | TechCrunch. (n.d.). TechCrunch. Retrieved May 22, 2013, from

X Box One Includes Skype

After years of speculation Microsoft has unveiled its next generation console the X Box One.  Since Microsoft purchased Skype for 8.5 billion in 2011 there has been a-lot of discussion on what role if any Skype would play in the next console. The Goal of the X Box one is to be the whole home entertainment system, the inclusion of Skype will help Microsoft obtain it goals.

Users will be able to Skype with their Kinect camera and built in microphone. It will be possible to Skype with in game with other players from across the globe. When a call come in you can answer by simply saying "X Box answer call" a bar will then slide in on the right hand side of the screen to display the app. You will also be able to use Skype while watching a movie or listening to music, if a call comes in the volume of your program will automatically lower allowing you to have a clear conversation.

With the previous generation console you were limited to a game having voice chat capabilities now you are given the freedom to interact with your community of friends no mater what you are doing on your X Box.

 After Months Of Speculation, Microsoft Officially Reveals Skype For The Xbox One  | TechCrunch. (n.d.). TechCrunch. Retrieved May 22, 2013, from
Microsoft unveils Xbox One - Technology & Science - CBC News. (n.d.). Retrieved May 22, 2013, from

Monday 20 May 2013

Tumbler Users are Wary!

It's official Yahoo announced today that they have purchased the blogging site Tumbler for 1.1 Billion. Rumors of this purchase have been circulating since Thursday.  Tumbler users are wary of the purchase after Yahoo's past tract record with mergers they have good reason.

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer posted on her Tumbler blog today a message to users that there is no need to worry. Tumbler CEO David Karp will remain at the helm and that there will be no Yahoo branding on the Tumbler site. Until now Tumbler has resisted the use of advertising on its site but with the recent merger this may change as Mayer said that CEO Karp and her team agree that the site is now in a position to start advertising.

Mayer in a recent interview has compared this merger with the like of Google and their acquisition of YouTube or Ebay and the purchase of PayPal. Only time will tell what Tumbler will mean for Yahoo.

Yahoo to buy Tumblr for $1.1 billion: Report. (n.d.). CNNMoney. Retrieved May 20, 2013, from

Sunday 19 May 2013

Tumbler Sold to Yahoo For 1.1 Billion!

The Wall Street Journal has reported that Tumbler the blogging giant has been sold to Yahoo for 1.1 billion. Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer has scheduled a news conference for Monday May 20, in New York to officially announce the sale.

Yahoo was once the leader of the internet search engines, but has lagged behind Google in recent years. This is the largest move that Mayer has made since being appointed CEO last year, but this is not the only change she has made to direct younger social media users their way.

The changes already implemented such as a new home page, upgraded Yahoo Mail and Flickr have not resulted in financial success for Yahoo. Will Yahoo remain in the shadows of Google or will this recent purchase catapult them back into the big leagues.

Yahoo to buy Tumblr for $1.1 billion: Report. (n.d.). CNNMoney. Retrieved May 20, 2013, from

Friday 17 May 2013

Li Granted Day Passes!

Vince Li the Greyhound bus slayer has been grated day passes to travel from the Selkirk Mental Health Centre starting on May 24. The Manitoba review board concluded that Li’s current condition does not render him a threat to society.

Li was found not criminal responsible after he beheaded a fellow passenger near Portage Manitoba. A judge found that at the time of the attacks Li was experiencing hallucinations from untreated schizophrenia. Since 2008 Li has be confined to the Selkirk Mental Health Facility.

Li is now able to go on one to one supervised day trips into the Lockport and Selkirk area as well as the city of Winnipeg. When Li is outside of the hospital grounds he will be supervised by a security guard and a member of the hospital staff that will be equipped with a two way radio or a cell phone.  

Li has also been given more lenience on the hospital grounds where he will be granted unsupervised passes of up to 15 minutes and increasing to a full day upon good behaviour.

Thursday 16 May 2013

My Brain Shark

In class today we learned about a new program called MyBrainShark. This program is best used for uploading and sharing PowerPoint presentations, but it can do a lot more. Once you upload a presentation you are able to edit, add audio and share it. You can also link it or embedded it in another website. This would be a great program for distance learning, the professor could upload lectures with PowerPoint and audio to a blog or wiki and students could logon to listen and participate on their own schedule.

The program has other uses as well but they are not as unique to this program. You are able to upload video and pictures and add audio to them. You can create a picture slideshows with audio as well. You can also create and upload a podcast. There is also another function that allows you to narrate a document.

This is a very functional easy to use product that I think I will be able to incorporate in to my academic studies.

Power Point

Birtle Secures 2013 Provincials

After having their Spring shoot cancelled due to a late melt Birtle put a bid forward to host the 2013 Manitoba 3D Provincial Championships. Their bid was successful and they will be hosting the event on July 21, 2012

It has been four years since Birtle last hosted this event. In 2009 they had one of the best attended tournaments ever in this Province with just fewer than 140 archers participating. Last year’s provincials in Carberry they had just over 60 competitors. Since 2009 the sport has seen a down turn in the Province attendance is down on average about 40% and clubs like Hartney no longer are hosting events.  

There has been some resurgence in 2013 with the indoor provincial event in Carberry drawing almost 90 archers. The two outdoor events this year have had decent turnouts the event in Carberry this weekend will give a better picture of the interest in the province as it is the first of the mandatory shoots for provincial team members. 

Wednesday 15 May 2013

No Power No Problem!

 On Tuesday there was a major power outage in the Westman area and it wreaked havoc on our e journalism class. With no power to the University all the servers were down and we were unable to log onto the internet as we normally would.

But don’t worry we made it through and still were able to communicate through our cell phones and obtain relevant information on the event. For the students lucky enough to have tethering capabilities they were even able to use their laptops by creating a wifi hotspot. This hotspot then could be used by up to four others in the class. This allowed if we needed to for everyone who attended class be able to use internet on their pc.

When we gathered in class no one had any idea why the power was out or what the problem was, but because of what we learned in class about twitter and other social media outlets we were able to engage the right players to obtain the scoop on the outage.

Class may have taken a strange turn on that day but I think we all learned a lot about how much we really can do with the power of a cell phone. As long as you are able to keep a charge you can communicate with the outside world through Twitter, blogs, Facebook, and almost any other digital media available.

Google Wiki Way Back

We are starting to get the basics of e journalism down now and are moving onto other tools such as Wiki Spaces, Google Docs and some interesting sites such as the Way Back Machine.

Wiki Spaces is a great place if you are looking to create a custom platform to share information on. You are able to add and change pages very easily you are also able to control what people will be able to see. You can work ahead of future pages but not display them until you choose to. You are also able to control who can see your page. This site also allows you to add videos, links, audio, pictures and other gadgets to optimize your viewer’s experience. I would recommend trying this site out and I think I will be using it for my final project.

Google Docs is a program that mimics the Microsoft office programs such as word, excel, paint and so on. It is a way to post a document to the internet and allow others to view it or to edit it. You can also control who can view the document and who can edit it. You can also use a program like Word to create the file then upload it to Doc for viewing and editing by others. This is a great program and I have used it before in the group assignment. It allowed us all to work for home but collaborate into one group document.

Ever wanted to go back in time and see what the internet was like in its infancy? Well now you can, thanks to the Way Back Machine. This site allows you to type in a url and go back over 20 years to see different updates. Try looking at the BU home page in 1996, you will be able to see just how far we have come. This is a great site and it has allowed me to reminisce in my past achievements in the sport of motocross being able to see pictures and results of myself from the early 2000's

Manitoba Archery Facebook Page

Hey if you like my blog then follow my new Facebook page. Remember to hit the like button to follow us.

Monday 13 May 2013

Carberry Preview!!!

The club out of Carberry has been busy getting ready for their upcoming 3D shoot. Carberry is known for having some of the best terrain available in Manitoba to host a 3D event at. They also built a large storage building last year with flush toilets and running water a luxury compared to the port-a-potties that are standard at most locations.

Carberry is going to have two full courses again this year, Dauphin and Assissippi are the only other two clubs to do two full courses. Both courses in Carberry have been laid out and clearing of trails and shooting lanes has begun.

Course “B” this year will be entirely new. It will feature a good mix of open and in bush shots. One section of the course will feature very thick and heavy bush making some very challenging tunnel shots. This will be one of the shortest courses that Carberry has ever had at just under 2km.

Course “A” is a mix of previous courses but is shorter as well. The start of the course offers some very extreme hill shots that will challenge even the most experienced archers. The middle portion of the course features some open shoots and it end with some shots in light to heavy brush.

That is a preview of what to expect this Sunday now lets all pray to the rain gods to stay away until all the rounds are complete.

Shoot On

Brandon West End Blaze

Hope none of theses are yours!!!

May 19th Shoot Location - Carberry

View Carberry Archery Range in a larger map

SMASH 3D Archery Range

View SMASH 3D Archery Range in a larger map

Erickson 3D Shoot

Sunday 12 May 2013

Sunday in Manitou

The suns out no bugs great day for a shoot. Manitou hosted this weekends shoot, they had a great course, that was considerably shorter than previous years. 

There was a fairly good turn out of around 50 archers. Being close to Winnipeg brought out some familiar faces.  

The course was very challenging, distances on average were longer than normal. There were also a lot of medium size targets are 40 plus yards. Manitou in the past has been know for longer shoots. 

Manitou was lucky enough to buy the Delta Sasquatch target before they stopped production after public out cry that it to closely resembled a human. 

What do you think should this target be allowed for use or is it unethical? 

Saturday 11 May 2013

Hero? You Tell Me!

Charles Ramsey is being hailed as a hero across the globe after he proclaimed to news cameras that helped rescue Amanda Berry and three others after being held captive for ten years in Cleveland Ohio. Berry and the others were allegedly kidnapped all at different times from 2004-2002 and were held captive by Ariel Castro. Castro used the girls as his personal sex slaves and even fathered a child with Berry. 

 It did not take long for reporters to find the charismatic Ramsey and place him in front of cameras for the world to see. Ramsey went onto claim how he was able to help smash the door in and rescue berry after he herd screaming coming from the home. He became an overnight YouTube sensation with his witty lines and racial stereotyping. Unfortunately like many other things in this world his story may be too good to be entirely true. 

 Another neighbour Angel Cordero who does not speak English, claims that he was the one who came first and helped free Berry and that Ramsey did no arrive on scene until after Berry and her child were outside. 

 Ramsey also has a past littered with misconduct including battery and two prison terms. Is it right to even bring his criminal past into this matter? He has served his dept to society, should his criminal offices haunt even as he is being paraded as a hero for an unrelated matter? 

 The Associated Press reports Ramsey's criminal record includes: 
 • charge in 1997; 
 • charge in 1998 and a six-month jail term; 
 • five-year probation term and orders to join counselling; 
 • divorce in 2003 after "battering his wife" and an eight-month jail term. 

 Do you think Ramsey should be hailed as a hero or just acknowledged for his part in the ordeal? Or are we missing the point of the story by even worrying who did what to free these women? 

 Please feel free to leave comments.

Friday 10 May 2013

Rinehart The New King of Archery

Audio recording software >>

Logical Fallacies You Say???

What is are logical fallacies? That is the question I found asking myself so I started to dig a little deeper in the matter and this is what I came up with!

Definition of a Logical Fallacy
 "In logic and the generalized study of reasoning, there are generally understood to be such things as good reasoning and bad reasoning. Typically, bad reasoning is characterized by falling into one or more of the classically compiled logical fallacies. A logical fallacy is simply a failure of logic. Arguments that are said to be fallacious have gaping holes or misleading leaps in their structure and reasoning."
  • (J. Meany and K. Shuster, Art, Argument, and Advocacy. IDEA, 2002)
So a logical fallacy is a statement that is based on assumptions rather than facts. If you say "She must have a lot of money, look at her ring!" You can not assume the person has a lot of money just because of an expensive ring. She could have gotten the ring as the gift from a relative or inherited it, there are many reasons why someone could not have a lot of money but have a very expensive ring. 

It is very important that journalist do not use these logical fallacies and fall into the trap. Journalist should be very diligent to remain objective in their work with out biases or unfounded conclusions.

Thursday 9 May 2013

Manitou Preview

Another week has almost past and the Manitou 3d shoot on May 12th is right around the corner. 

The club is headed by Bob Hunt a veteran archer with several provincial title sured me that the site will be dry this year after seeing two years of flooding. The weather is also suppose to cooperate with a high of 12 it should be perfect weather. 

Bob has also informed me that they have purchased several new targets this year including a caribou and a cougar. Don't forget that most of the targets will be Makenzies not the usual Rineharts so make sure you pack the arrow lube in your quiver. 

I hope to see everyone out to support the Manitou club this weekend and it will be great to see them be able to host an event again.

Shoot On! 

Welcome Message

Online recording software >>

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Erickson Kicks Off Outdoor Season

After an extended winter the first shoot of the outdoor season came and went in Erickson this past Sunday. It was a balmy 26 degrees out and competitors were quickly shedding the layers. Unfortunately there were only 45 shooters who came out this is down about 20 from their last shoot.

Due to all the snow still around in the area they had to resort to higher ground and move from their usually host site to a new site behind Betty Construction. The course was relatively flat and was a good mix of open and bush shots. They even had one shot of a window of an abandoned building.

To check out the results from this shoot you can check the ABAM website as of right now they have not been posted but check regularly for updates.

Google For Everything?

If you want it and its legal Google probably does it. Well use too.

If you are looking for RSS (Really Simple Syndication) software then don’t look to Google. They have a great program called Google Reader only catch is as off July 1, 2013 it will no longer be available.

RSS software can be used to follow your favorite websites. Instead of checking the website for updates you can just check your reader and it will show you all your sites that have updates you have not checked.

There are a lot of other RSS programs available and here is a great site to check to help you find the best reader for you. It will help you if you choose a new platform even if you are using Google reader now.

Google has another program called Google Translate is great if you are looking at sites not in your official language. It can translate to and from several languages and can be used while looking at a website or you can paste a document in and it will translate it for you. It can even speak the translation to you in any language you choose. This program could be very useful if you are travelling in a region where you do not speak the native language. 

Simple Program to Simplify Your Life

If you are struggling to keep all of your electronic sources in order then I have the solution for you. It is called Zetro and is free to download. 

This program can be used on Mac of PC and works with Chrome, Firefox or Safari browsers. It is very simple to use with a click of the mouse you are able to upload the background reference data from a website directly to the program. Once in the program you can sort and order the data as you choose. If you find your references in print you can manually enter the information. Once you are ready to insert a bibliography or citations it will generate to your clipboard in your preferred format.  

Tuesday 7 May 2013

2015 National Update

Just a quick update letting everyone know that there are rumblings of other clubs expressing interest in hosting the 2015 Canadian Outdoor Archery Nationals. The club in Shilo is going to be hosting a meeting and has invited other clubs that may want to co-host to attend. From talking to a number of people it does not look like there is much interest and numbers at the meeting may be minimal.

I just thought that I should now let everyone know if you don't already know where you can get more information on archery in Manitoba. The provincial organization is ABAM and there link is

You can find upcoming shoot dates as well as past shoot results. You can also get more information on archery in the Province.

Stay tuned tomorrow for an update from last weekends shoot in Erikson and later in the week we will have a preview of what to expect in Manitou this weekend.

Welcome 1.0

Welcome again, I posted this yesterday but found out today that it is very easy to delete post from your blog if you are using the mobile app.

I am going to be blogging about archery in Manitoba with a focus on 3D archery. For those of you who don't know what 3D archery is it is where you shoot at three dimensional targets of animals in realistic hunting situations. There are different classes based on age and type of equipment you use.

I got interested in archery at a very young age my dad got me involved in shooting at age five. I use to go to competitions with him around the province in the spring and summer. During my teenage years I took a bit of a hiatus to focus on other interests such as hockey and motocross. Recently I started an archery club in my home town to promote sport with youth. It has been a major success and we host two competitions a year, one indoor one out door. We have also been fortunate enough to host the Manitoba provincial indoor and outdoor championships in the last two years.

I hope you all continue to follow my blog for updates in the world of Manitoba 3D Archery

2015 Archery Nationals

Manitoba has just been awarded the 2015 outdoor Canadian Archery National Championships. Ontario was originally slated to host in 2015 but due to Pam Am Games commitments they have had to pull out. 

Manitoba will now be scrambling to find a club that is willing to host target, 3d and field championships. It is rumoured that Erickson and Carberry may submit a joint bid. 

Stay tuned for more information on this topic as it becomes a available.  

PC Help


Just had a request to put up a post on how to keep you computer safe from junk and malware that can wreak havoc on your system. I recommend that you use to do all your downloads from as it is safe and won't download other files in the background that can harm your system.

The first one I recommend is CCleaner it will clean out unneeded files and other junk from your computer.

The second program is Malwarebytes it will find programs that are running in the background that can slow are harm your computer

The third program is PC DeCrapifier this program you should use on a brand new computer to get rid of the added "crap" that you don't need or want.

Hope this information helps and can maybe save you some money or a trip to your computer repair man.