Tuesday 7 May 2013

Welcome 1.0

Welcome again, I posted this yesterday but found out today that it is very easy to delete post from your blog if you are using the mobile app.

I am going to be blogging about archery in Manitoba with a focus on 3D archery. For those of you who don't know what 3D archery is it is where you shoot at three dimensional targets of animals in realistic hunting situations. There are different classes based on age and type of equipment you use.

I got interested in archery at a very young age my dad got me involved in shooting at age five. I use to go to competitions with him around the province in the spring and summer. During my teenage years I took a bit of a hiatus to focus on other interests such as hockey and motocross. Recently I started an archery club in my home town to promote sport with youth. It has been a major success and we host two competitions a year, one indoor one out door. We have also been fortunate enough to host the Manitoba provincial indoor and outdoor championships in the last two years.

I hope you all continue to follow my blog for updates in the world of Manitoba 3D Archery

1 comment:

  1. Curiosity: how does a 3D target change the sport?
