Wednesday 15 May 2013

Google Wiki Way Back

We are starting to get the basics of e journalism down now and are moving onto other tools such as Wiki Spaces, Google Docs and some interesting sites such as the Way Back Machine.

Wiki Spaces is a great place if you are looking to create a custom platform to share information on. You are able to add and change pages very easily you are also able to control what people will be able to see. You can work ahead of future pages but not display them until you choose to. You are also able to control who can see your page. This site also allows you to add videos, links, audio, pictures and other gadgets to optimize your viewer’s experience. I would recommend trying this site out and I think I will be using it for my final project.

Google Docs is a program that mimics the Microsoft office programs such as word, excel, paint and so on. It is a way to post a document to the internet and allow others to view it or to edit it. You can also control who can view the document and who can edit it. You can also use a program like Word to create the file then upload it to Doc for viewing and editing by others. This is a great program and I have used it before in the group assignment. It allowed us all to work for home but collaborate into one group document.

Ever wanted to go back in time and see what the internet was like in its infancy? Well now you can, thanks to the Way Back Machine. This site allows you to type in a url and go back over 20 years to see different updates. Try looking at the BU home page in 1996, you will be able to see just how far we have come. This is a great site and it has allowed me to reminisce in my past achievements in the sport of motocross being able to see pictures and results of myself from the early 2000's

1 comment:

  1. On the wayback machine: Why does it seem weird to me that the internet didn't exist in the sixties?!
