Saturday 11 May 2013

Hero? You Tell Me!

Charles Ramsey is being hailed as a hero across the globe after he proclaimed to news cameras that helped rescue Amanda Berry and three others after being held captive for ten years in Cleveland Ohio. Berry and the others were allegedly kidnapped all at different times from 2004-2002 and were held captive by Ariel Castro. Castro used the girls as his personal sex slaves and even fathered a child with Berry. 

 It did not take long for reporters to find the charismatic Ramsey and place him in front of cameras for the world to see. Ramsey went onto claim how he was able to help smash the door in and rescue berry after he herd screaming coming from the home. He became an overnight YouTube sensation with his witty lines and racial stereotyping. Unfortunately like many other things in this world his story may be too good to be entirely true. 

 Another neighbour Angel Cordero who does not speak English, claims that he was the one who came first and helped free Berry and that Ramsey did no arrive on scene until after Berry and her child were outside. 

 Ramsey also has a past littered with misconduct including battery and two prison terms. Is it right to even bring his criminal past into this matter? He has served his dept to society, should his criminal offices haunt even as he is being paraded as a hero for an unrelated matter? 

 The Associated Press reports Ramsey's criminal record includes: 
 • charge in 1997; 
 • charge in 1998 and a six-month jail term; 
 • five-year probation term and orders to join counselling; 
 • divorce in 2003 after "battering his wife" and an eight-month jail term. 

 Do you think Ramsey should be hailed as a hero or just acknowledged for his part in the ordeal? Or are we missing the point of the story by even worrying who did what to free these women? 

 Please feel free to leave comments.

1 comment:

  1. In my opinion...
    despite his past record, and whether he was the first one there is not as important as the fact that he helped rescue Berry in some way. And in addition, 2 more girls. Don't know if I would call him a "hero" but they might seem him that way. What matters is that these girls are with their families now, after all these years, and that is a truly great thing!
